Saturday, December 28, 2019

Charles Dickens A Social Critic And English Writer Essay

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a social critic and English writer. Dickens generated some of globe’s most renowned fictional characters. He is viewed as the most remarkable writer of the Victorian period. Dickens’ works, during his life, enjoyed exceptional popularity. By 20th century, scholars and critics called him a literary genius. Dickens’ short stories and novels continue to be popular. Dickens was born in Portsmouth in England. He was forced to drop out of school following his father’s imprisonment. His early poverty compelled him to succeed. Throughout Dickens’ career, he wrote 15 novels, many short stories, five novellas, as well as non-fictional articles. Dickens, for 20 years, he edited a â€Å"weekly journal,† performed and lectured extensively. Dickens was also an inexorable letter writer, as well as campaigned vigorously for kid’s rights, education, along with other social reforms. Dickens’ became famous with his 1836 â€Å"The Pickwick Papers† serial publication. Dickens became a global literary celebrity because of his satire, humor, as well as a keen observation of society and character. Dickens’ novels were published in weekly or monthly installments, and he also pioneered the narrative fiction serial publication that was the dominant method of Victorian publication. Dickens was deemed as the colossus of literature of his age. Dickens’ novella, â€Å"A Christmas Carol† published in 1843, is among the most influential literature ever written. A Tale of Two Cities,Show MoreRelatedGothic Novel Essay949 Words   |  4 PagesGothic Novel’s origin and its Repertoire element Gothic novel literary defined as an English genre of fiction which came into action and became popular in 18th to early 19th century, widely characterized by atmosphere of horror, fear, death, gloom, darkness ,mystery and romantic elements ,such as nature individuality and high emotions. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Industrialization Of The Industrial Revolution - 1214 Words

â€Å"The 18th century saw the emergence of the ‘Industrial Revolution’, the great age of steam, canals and factories that changed the face of the British economy forever.† (White, M, The Industrial Revolution). The industrial revolution sparked the development of capitalist economies and as a consequence a division of labour was formed. Therefore the capitalist system is seen as a natural consequence of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was a period in which societies became industrial due to there being an increase in new manufacturing processes which transitioned from hand production methods to the development of machines and the rise of the factory system. The process of industrialisation largely affected the division of†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, Marx was interested in the work done by theorists such as Adam Smith, however Marx was more pessimistic about capitalism, and saw it as more problematic due to it leading to alienat ion and exploitation. Marx believed that capitalism alienated the worker from the product since the worker was paid low wages and lacked the capacity to consume. The division of labour was the repercussion of the development of capitalism, which alienated the worker from the complete process of production by forcing him to specialize. Campbell (1981, p.128) believed that â€Å"It is obvious that this economic system destroys the relationship of the individual producer to his individual product, for the commodities produced in factories are social products†. This idea links to Weber’s work of bureaucracy and specialization. Workers in a bureaucracy perform specialised tasks and are organised in a clear hierarchy where each worker has their own place within the structure. The bureaucracy is also characterised by the division of labour, which involves tasks being broken down so people can be set a separate part of the task. This structural theory links to Marx’s theory of the division of labour between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie and also the view of alienation within the work force due to workers being separated from the product. However Marx and Weber differed in their idea of what was the primary cause of alienation. Marx believed that class conflict wasShow MoreRelatedIndustrialization Of The Industrial Revolution886 Words   |  4 PagesO Sullivan HIS 1102 29 March 2015 Industrialization in Europe Industrialization is a noun given the definition of the large-scale introduction of manufacturing, advanced technical enterprises, and other productive economic activity into an area, society, country ( Tools have been around forever, but until the industrialization they required human labor to use. Almost every aspect of life was changed during this time. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Type of Hazards in Biscuit Manufacturing-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Choose a type of business or undertaking that you will base this assessment on. For instance, you might choose to base the project on a landscaping business, a butchers shop, a beauty salon, a car wash, a manufacturer of whitegoods or a producer of pet food. Discuss the type of Hazard in your selected Busness. Answer: Introduction Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) or Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is an important tool to assess and measure risk hazards that may affect the health wellbeing and safety of involved people at workplace (Xiang, Pisaniello and Hansen 2014). These people can be employee, employer, clients, suppliers or visitors. Compliance to WHS policies is important for organizations, as failure to that can render them and their owners answerable to law and prosecution (Salim, Salleh and Zawawi 2016). While working in a biscuit manufacturing company the primary objective of this assignment is to explain the safety and hazard management approach I applied at that manufacturing plant. Further, it will explain the way PCBU (Person Conducting Business or Undertaking) was applied in that workplace. Type of hazards in biscuit manufacturing company While working in a biscuit manufacturing company, there are several health and safety related problems the employees and workers have to face every day. The risk involves exposure to biological, chemical and sound related hazards (Gill 2015). Further, exposure to heat or cold and sharp objectives are also there. Biological hazards include microbial cultures that are used in the manufacturing process of biscuits can be inhaled or ingested by the workers. Furthermore, inhalation of ingredient dusts can lead to hazardous situation. there are several heat treatment process are followed in the food manufacturing unit such as cold room, heat treatment room ,, pasteurization where the difference is temperature is more than 80 degree Celsius (Wu et al. 2017). Exposure to that may lead to hazardous situation. on contrary, usage of chemical agents for cleaning and disinfection of baking room, using sharp objects like cutting blades for cutting and packing and working in confined spaces for tra sh, fermentation tanks has the potential to create a hazardous situation in manufacturing unit. Hazard management This is a problemsolving process, which is generally used in organizations to identify problems, assessing and collecting information about it and taking necessary steps to solve those issues. Further, the management process reviews and evaluates the process so that the hazard can be stopped from happening again (Ryan 2012). As a worker of this manufacturing unit, I undertook PCBU process or Person Conducting Business or Undertaking process to ensure that the staff and employees are not exposed to hazardous risk. Through this process, I was to assess and confirm that the work system is safer, complies with the workplace and health and safety rules of Germany, welfare facilities for employees are adequate, the management takes adequate care of the workers (Berton and Urry 2012). The PCBU process There are five aspects of PCBU, according to which, the assessor has to view and assess the problems in system, take necessary steps to fix it and after that evaluation and review the changes. For the first two process, I visited the entire production unit, especially the baking room, cold storage room, pasteurization room, and cutting and mixing room for finished product and raw materials respectively (Ryan 2012). To understand the managers and higher authoritys perspective on hazardous situation, I assessed the hazard report of the manufacturing unit. After assessing the respective departments, I understood that the workers at the baking and finished product mixing room are at higher risk as those departments were having higher rate of risks. To fix the problem, according to Gill (2015), I implemented the use of temperature-protected gloves, mask and eye goggles for the workers working in baking oven room. This was important as the temperature at baking rom is more than 350 degree Celsius and without proper safety equipment, workers were at higher risk. Further, in the cutting and mixing room, I suggested to use automated cutting and separating machine as the hazard report indicated that four workers had accidentally cut their separating partners hands. Hence, usage of automated cutting and separation machine will be helpful in controlling the risk related to this process. Furthermore, in the cold storage room, where the temperature is below -10 degree Celsius, and in pasteurization room where the products are introduced to heat shock, safety measures such as gloves, safety goggles, masks and coats were introduced (Gill 2015). After the assessment and fixation of the problem, I had the responsibility to review and evaluate the process. For the review process. I followed the manufacturing unit for further 5 days and reviewed that all the implementations for lowering the risk of hazardous situations are being followed by the workers and their supervisors or not and complied with the WHS law or not (Ryan 2012). In the review process, it was observed that, the supervisors were not being able to implement the WHS policy properly on the workers that led the workers neglect the safety process and increase the risk of hazardous situation. Hence, training for employees, workers and supervisors were introduced regarding workplace health and safety so that the next step of PCBU, evaluation can be performed without any biasness (Regan and Fettell 2017). The evaluation process was carried out using a closed ended questionnaire having 25 question regarding health and safety norms and the entire employees of the manufact uring unit was involved in the evaluation process. This process of evaluation was used so that the knowledge of employees regarding the WHS policies can be assessed and a proper documentation of the evidence can be produced. Furthermore, it could be understood that the implemented PCBU interventions are easy to apply in such manufacturing unit or not (Davies et al. 2012). Conclusion Workplace Health and Safety is an important tool to protect the workers of any organization from unwanted hazards and risks. Every organization such as manufacturing units or simple beauty salon should apply these protective policies in to their workplace so that employees and customers are safe inside their premises. As a worker in a biscuit manufacturing unit, I was assigned with the responsibility to carry out PCBU or Person Conducting Business or Undertaking to assess the unwanted hazardous risks present in the manufacturing unit. This process helped me to identify different risks related to baking, cold room, pasteurization and mixing and cutting departments. Further, using this process, I was able to find out loopholes of those department and implemented interventions to lower or eliminate the risks. Further, to reinforce the understanding I carried out training and development program with workers and evaluated their knowledge using closed ended questionnaires. References Berton, L. and Urry, B., 2012. Business feature: Work health and safety-compliance in a new era.Irrigation Australia: The Official Journal of Irrigation Australia,28(2), p.32. Davies, H.W., Louie, A., Nahid, M. and Shoveller, J., 2012. Potential barriers to engineered noise control in food and beverage manufacturing in British Columbia, Canada: a qualitative study.International journal of audiology,51(sup1), pp.S43-S50. Gill, K.M., 2015. Agroterrorism: the risks to the United States food supply and national security.US Army Medical Department Journal, pp.9-16. Regan, L. and Fettell, M., 2017. Workplace law: Industrial manslaughter offence: New era for WHS.Proctor, The,37(11), p.28. Ryan, P., 2012. How the model WHS laws will affect you.MHD Supply Chain Solutions,42(1), p.38. Wu, S., Ricke, S.C., Schneider, K.R. and Ahn, S., 2017. Food safety hazards associated with ready-to-bake cookie dough and its ingredients.Food Control,73, pp.986-993. Xiang, J., Bi, P., Pisaniello, D. and Hansen, A., 2014. Health impacts of workplace heat exposure: an epidemiological review.Industrial health,52(2), pp.91-101.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Target Market Alternatives Of Zest Sedan â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Target Market Alternatives For Zest Sedan? Answer: Introducation Tata Motors launched Tata Zest sedan on 12th August 2014 in India and targeted the capital of India that is Delhi as its target market. Tata Motors flagged off 100 new Zest sedan cars in Delhi, which were purchased by the customers in Delhi. The company targeted Delhi as its target market because Delhi NCR comprises of a large number of car lovers and they love being technologically advanced and ahead of the others (, 2017). However, the target market alternatives for Zest sedan can be the other metropolitan cities of India namely, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat and Nashik. These cities have a population of more than four million each. These cities have a large number of middle class, upper- middle class and rich families, who can be the potential customers of Tata Zest sedan. The car was priced between Rupees 4.64 lakhs to Rupees 6.99 lakhs (, 2017). Mumbai is considered to be the economic capital of India and a majority of the population comprises of businessmen and the youth working in several companies. Mumbai is a hub for private companies and operations employment opportunities to millions of Indians. Therefore, Mumbai would be a good option as a target market alternative in order to increase the sales. Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore are the hub for IT companies that employ millions of Indians. A majority of the people in these areas are literate and have a good knowledge of technology. Therefore, they can be target market alternatives for Tata Zest sedan. Kolkata, AHmedabad, Pune, Surat and Nashik are also highly developed areas with a majority population comprising of middle- class and upper sections of the society (Nielsen and Wilhite 2015). This increases the demand for cars in these areas and can be a target market alternative for Tata Zest sedan. Therefore, the metropolitan cities of India can be recommended as the i deal and best suitable target market for Tata Zest sedan. Alternative ways of defining the Population for Zest sedan Research population refers to the large group of people or things that are the focus of a research study. The researches are conducted for the betterment of the population. However, it is not always possible for the researchers to to consider the entire population while conducting a research due to its large size (Fowler Jr 2013). This is the reason due to which the researchers use the different sampling methods. Tata Motors defined its population for Zest as the individuals born after 1990 as the majority of the population of India comprises of individuals born after 1990s. The company had targeted the youth of the country and the rural markets. The company emphasized upon developing and penetrating in the rural markets to become the leading car manufacturers in India (Shree, Gupta and Sagar 2017). However, there are several alternative ways of defining population for Tata Zest Sedan. The company can consider the middle- class section of the society (without considering the age groups of the individuals) as its population with an average annual income of Rs 7,37,748. This is because the desire for owning a car is not dependent upon the age of an individual. However, later on in the sample, the age can be considered as the youth has more knowledge about technology and are more fond of cars. The urban as well as the rural population can be considered as the population for Tata Zest Sedan (Babin and Zikmund 2015). The middle- class population in India is deemed to have the similar characteristics, wants and desires. These similar characteristics, wants and desires make it the best population to be considered for Tata Zest Sedan. The purchasing patterns and choices related to cars are almost similar in this population. Choosing this as the population shall make it easier for the co mpany to decide its sample frame and target the appropriate audience. The population comprises of two groups namely target population and accessible population. The accessible population refers to the population to which the researcher can easily reach which might be limited to a certain area (Sinha 2016). The population in case of Tata Zest Sedan can be extremely large as the majority of the population in India comprises of middle- class people. In this case, the poor section of the society can not be considered as they can not afford Tata Zest Sedan and the richer section might prefer more luxurious car to own as a status symbol. Tata Zest Sedan was manufactured with the aim of providing a luxurious car within an affordable budget and would go well with the middle- class society of India. Therefore, the middle- class population of India can be recommended as the appropriate population for Tata zest sedan. Alternative ways of defining the Sampling Frame for Zest sedan A sample frame is referred to as the list from wherein the individuals are chosen or selected for a particular research study. Sample frame involves the entire target population and excludes the non- target population (Burns and Bush 2013). A good sample frame includes the appropriate contact details of the population so that the researcher can easily reach them. The sample frame for Tata Zest Sedan can be obtained by dividing the middle- class population into several units. For instance, the age group can be one unit and the area can be another unit. The individuals born between 1970 to 1980 can be considered as one unit, the individuals born between 1980 to 1990 can be considered as one unit and the individuals born after 1990 can be considered as another unit. These three sub-units of age group can be chosen as a sample frame as the individuals falling under these age groups as more likely to purchase Tata Zest sedan. Another sampling frame can be the middle class families belongi ng to urban area and rural areas. The urban areas can be further divided into metropolitan cities of India namely, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat and Nashik. The metropolitan cities have a larger number of working class people who can be the potential customers of Tata zest sedan. A large number of youth belonging to middle- class families work in the several companies in the metropolitan cities of India and earn handsome salaries. These are the people who are technologically advanced and are fond of purchasing new cars with latest technologies and luxury. However, neither are they capable of purchasing high- end cars nor do they prefer basic cars. These are the people who search for cars that are affordable, have advanced technologies and luxurious as well. Tata zest sedan can be a good option for this part of population as the car is both luxurious as well as affordable. In case of the rural areas, the developed rural areas can be selected, this might have potential customers. This frame shall help the researcher in selecting the most appropriate sample (Levy and Lemeshow 2013). Therefore, the middle class people belonging to the above mentioned age groups and residing in developed rural and urban areas can be recommended to be the ideal sampling frame for T ata zest sedan. Alternative ways of defining the sampling approach for Zest sedan Sampling is very crucial in selecting the respondents while gathering the primary data during a research process. Sampling approach refers to the selection of appropriate individuals for the research study while collecting the data through primary data collection technique (Zikmund et al. 2014). There are two alternative approaches of defining a sampling approach namely probability sampling and non- probability sampling. Probabilistic sampling approach refers to the approach wherein the respondents of a particular research study are selected on a random basis (Dillman, Smyth and Christian 2014). The individuals comprising the population have an equal opportunity of becoming a part of the sample. The approach guarantees that all the individuals comprising the population have the equal selection chances. However, it becomes necessary to set a particular procedure of collecting the data so that the units considered in the sample frame have almost the equal probabilities of selection (Be rnard, Wutich and Ryan 2016). Probabilistic sampling gives unbiased results and the inferences obtained are statistical. The hypothesis is tested in case of probabilistic sampling approach. Probabilistic sampling methods involve simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling and systematic sampling (Ocal and Babin 2016). Non- probabilistic sampling approach refers to the approach wherein the samples gathered do not get the equal chance of being selected. Instead, there are certain selection criterions on the basis of which the samples are selected. Non- probabilistic sampling approach is used when the researchers face the issues of limited time and budget. The selection of the sample is entirely dependent upon the researchers subjective judgment. Therefore, the conclusions inferred do not relate with the entire population. The methods of non- probabilistic sampling involves convenience sampling, quota sampling, purposive sampling and snowball sampling (Ritchie, Lewis and Elam 2013). Recommendation In this particular case of Tata zest sedan, the recommended sampling approach shall be non- probabilistic sampling approach as this sampling approach shall help the researcher to obtain the desired outcomes. Selecting individuals on a random basis would involve more time and higher budgets however, non- probabilistic sampling shall help the researcher in obtaining the desired results within a particular time duration (Gelman et al. 2014). Thus, the conclusions obtained shall not be inferred to the entire population as the research deals with only middle- class families of India. The population shall further be divided into sampling frames on the basis of age and location, which will help the researcher to emphasize upon the target audience of Tata zest sedan. Explanation of the effectiveness of the above approach The non- probabilistic sampling approach shall be more effective in the case of finding the target audience for Tata Zest sedan as it shall be more convenient and shall involve lesser costs. The non- probabilistic sampling shall consider only those individuals who are related with the research study whereas, the individuals who are not related with the research study shall be ignored. For instance, the target audience for Tata Zest sedan are the middle- class families in India as the car would fulfill their wants and desires and they can afford to purchase the car. On the contrary, if probabilistic approach would have been applied, it would have got involved the poor and the rich section of the society who would not be interested in purchasing Tata Zest sedan. The poor section of the society would be incapable of affording the car while the rich section of the society would prefer expensive cars that would add to their status symbol. Tata Zest Sedan is a car that ranges between Rupee s 4.64 lakhs to Rupees 6.99 lakhs in India. The features and price of the car is capable of attracting the attention of the middle- class families in India. The middle- class population in India is deemed to have the similar characteristics, wants and desires. These similar characteristics, wants and desires make it the best population to be considered for Tata Zest Sedan. The purchasing patterns and choices related to cars are almost similar in this population. Choosing this as the population shall make it easier for the company to decide its sample frame and target the appropriate audience. Therefore, the population recommended for the research study was the middle- class families in India, which can be further divided into several units on the basis of age and location. The potential customers of Tata Zest sedan are supposedly to be the white collar employees working in the major cities of India especially the metropolitan cities as these cities provide employment opportunities t o a large number of population due to the presence of several companies in those cities. Therefore, non- probabilistic sampling would be the best approach to obtain desired results according to the selection criterions of income, age and location. References: Babin, B.J. and Zikmund, W.G., 2015.Exploring marketing research. Cengage Learning. Bernard, H.R., Wutich, A. and Ryan, G.W., 2016.Analyzing qualitative data: Systematic approaches. SAGE publications. Burns, A.C. and Bush, R.F., 2013.Marketing research. Pearson Higher Ed. Dillman, D.A., Smyth, J.D. and Christian, L.M., 2014.Internet, phone, mail, and mixed-mode surveys: the tailored design method. management Sons. Fowler Jr, F.J., 2013.Survey research methods. Sage publications. Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S., Dunson, D.B., Vehtari, A. and Rubin, D.B., 2014.Bayesian data analysis(Vol. 2). Boca Raton, FL: CRC press. Levy, P.S. and Lemeshow, S., 2013.Sampling of populations: methods and applications. John Wiley Sons. Nielsen, K.B. and Wilhite, H., 2015. The rise and fall of the people's car: middle-class aspirations, status and mobile symbolism in New India.Contemporary South Asia,23(4), pp.371-387. Ocal, Y. and Babin, B.J., 2016. Response Rate and Response Bias in Business Research. InLooking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing(pp. 714-714). Springer, Cham. Ritchie, J., Lewis, J. and Elam, R.G., 2013. Selecting samples.Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers, p.111. Shree, D., Gupta, A. and Sagar, M., 2017. Effectiveness of cause?related marketing for differential positioning of market entrant in developing market: An exploratory study in Indian context.International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing,22(2). Sinha, D., 2016.India Reloaded: Inside Indias Resurgent Consumer Market. Springer. (2017). Tata Motors unveils the all-new Zest and Bolt via @tatacompanies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017]. Zikmund, W.G., D'Alessandro, S., Winzar, H., Lowe, B. and Babin, B., 2014.Marketing research. Cengage Learning Australia.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Hazards Of Smoking Essay Example For Students

The Hazards Of Smoking Essay Is there anyone who does not know someone who smokes? Everyone has a family member, friend, or co-worker who smokes. They have chosen to smoke, but by just being around them you are also smoking, only you have not made that choice. Before you choose to take this risk you should think about what may happen to your body. There are many factors that you should take very seriously; smoking is a hazardous habit because it leads to addiction, disease, and high-risk pregnancy. As advertisements have shown on commercial on television that smoking is a way to relax and to be cool by smoking cigarettes, they never show you the negative side of it. For example, addiction is one of the bad side effects and it is caused by nicotine. Once you inhale the cigarette you will then feel or want the need for another one, and you may have different personalities and change because of the addiction. You may get more grouchy and violent behavior and need a cigarette to relax, but instead it is doing more damage. Researchers have found ways to control addictions and some have succeeded while many have failed. People at a younger age start to get addicted by the nicotine in the cigarette and this is where the problem starts. We will write a custom essay on The Hazards Of Smoking specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The hazardous of smoking lead to many fatal diseases and should convince people to quit their habit. First, a major reason why people should quit smoking is that many people are dying of cancer. For instance, the statistics say that in the United States six out of ten people are dying everyday due to lung cancer. This disease is killing people if it is not detected promptly. Another reason for quitting smoking is heart disease and its consequences. For example, many people suffer from heart failure, but even though they know about smoking and its dangers, they do not stop their habit until they become ill. Unfortunately, in many cases, people are at risk to live with heart complications for the rest of their lives. Lastly, another important reason for people to stop smoking is the risk of getting emphysema. This is also a deadly disease that affects their lungs and their whole respiratory system. These several reasons should prove to the smokers that this habit puts their health in d anger, and causes many diseases that lead to death. Unborn babies who have mothers who smoke are more likely to die of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The placenta joins the mother and the baby, which is where the baby gets food and oxygen. When a mother smokes the placenta does not work as well as it should. The babies are also more likely to be born early. Every time a woman smokes she is giving her child less food and oxygen, therefore, the baby can and maybe will not be wealthy. It is very easy for a pregnant woman to stop smoking when the people around her do not smoke. When a baby is born to a mother who smokes the baby will not grow well as it should. Studies show that smoking is an unhealthy habit and can not only hurt the mother but really hurt the baby as well. Because of smoking, smokers provide high risks in addictions, disease or risks in pregnancies. Smokers prefer their habit, rather than caring about this terrible problem. They avoid the consequences of smoking. As is often the case, smoking increases the hazardous of health and problems with themselves too.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Why Americans Once Gave the ‘Bellamy Salute’

Why Americans Once Gave the ‘Bellamy Salute’ The American school children in the picture are showing their loyalty to our flag and country by giving the â€Å"Bellamy Salute† while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Despite how it might look, the Bellamy Salute had nothing to do with Nazi dictator Adolph Hitler, but it did cause quite stir many years ago. In fact, the Bellamy Salute is an interesting aside on the history of the Pledge of Allegiance itself. Who Was â€Å"Bellamy?† Francis J. Bellamy actually wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance at the request of Daniel Sharp Ford, owner of a popular Boston-based magazine of the day named the Youth’s Companion. In 1892, Ford began a campaign to place American flags in every classroom in the nation. Ford believed that with the Civil War (1861-1865) still so fresh in the memories of so many Americans, a great public show of patriotism would help stabilize a still fragile nation. Along with the flags, Sharp assigned Bellamy, one of his staff writers at the time, to create a short phrase to be recited to honor the flag and all it stood for. Bellamy’s work, the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, was published in the Youth’s Companion, and immediately struck a chord with Americans. The first organized use of the Pledge of Allegiance came on Oct. 12, 1892, when some 12 million American school children recited it to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of the voyage of Christopher Columbus. In 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that school administrators or teachers could not force students to recite the Pledge. How it Became Bellamy’s Salute Bellamy and Sharp also felt a physical, non-military style salute should be given to the flag as the Pledge was recited. When the instructions for the salute were printed in the Youth’s Companion under his name, the gesture became known as the Bellamy Salute. The instructions for the Bellamy Salute were simple: When reciting the Pledge, each person was to extend their right arm straight ahead and pointing slightly upward, with their fingers pointing straight ahead or in the direction of the flag, if present. And That Was Fine†¦ Until Americans had no problem with the Bellamy Salute and rendered it proudly until the days before World War II, when Italians and Germans began showing loyalty to dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler with the disturbingly similar â€Å"Heil Hitler!† salute. Americans giving the Bellamy Salute began to fear that they might be mistaken as showing allegiance to the growingly powerful European fascist and Nazi regimes. In his book â€Å"To the Flag: The Unlikely History of the Pledge of Allegiance,† author Richard J. Ellis wrote, â€Å"the similarities in the salute had begun to attract comment as early as the mid-1930s.† Fears also began to grow that the editors of European newspapers and films could easily crop the American flag from pictures of Americans giving the Bellamy Salute, thus giving Europeans the false impression that Americans were beginning to support Hitler and Mussolini. As Ellis wrote in his book, â€Å"the embarrassing resemblance between the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute and the salute that accompanied the Pledge of Allegiance,† stirred fears among many Americans that the Bellamy Salute could be used overseas for pro-fascist propaganda purposes. So Congress Ditched It On December 22, 1942, back in the days when Congress really took care of business, lawmakers passed a bill amending the U.S. Flag Code to mandate that the Pledge of Allegiance should â€Å"be rendered by standing with the right hand over the heart,† exactly like we do it today. Other Changes to the Pledge Besides the demise of the Bellamy Salute in 1942, the exact wording of the Pledge of Allegiance has been changed over the years. For example, the phrase â€Å"I pledge allegiance to the flag,† was original written by Bellamy as â€Å"I pledge allegiance to my flag.† The â€Å"my† was dropped out of concerns that immigrants to the United States, even those who had completed the naturalization process, might be seen as pledging allegiance to the flag of their home nation. The biggest and by far most controversial change came in 1954, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower drove a move to add the words â€Å"under God† after â€Å"one nation.† â€Å"In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our countrys most powerful resource in peace and war,† declared Eisenhower at the time. In June 2002, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco declared the entire Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because of its inclusion of the phrase â€Å"under God.† The court held that the phrase violated the First Amendment’s guarantee of separation of church and state. However, the next day, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alfred Goodwin, issued a stay that prevented enforcement of the ruling. So while its wording may change again, you can bet the Bellamy Salute will have no place in the future of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Importance of Feminism within Criminology Essay

The Importance of Feminism within Criminology - Essay Example Similarly, feminist criminologists denounce unitary categorization of women oblivious of the influence of race, class, and sexual inequality (Britton 2000, p.63). Advocacy has been instrumental in the betterment of lives of women inmates such as expansion of medical services, job training, and educational prospects. The underrepresentation of women as criminal offenders is apparent. In most cases, the sex ratios of criminal offenders as released by social control authorities are biased. Consequently, women are underrepresented as victims of crime. Most of research undertaken on this topic disproportionately indicates that men are mostly victimized than women in all categories of violent crimes, not including rape and sexual assault. This is where feminist criminology has made much of its mark. Its literature on this arena has mainly highlighted offences of which women are most likely to be victims. Feminism has borne fruits as mainstream criminology literature now features feminist e mpirical work and theories, with some sections discussing rape and intimate violence. Britton (2000, p.70) argues that the field of criminology is masculinised where scholars mainly concentrate on activities of men owing to statistics that show men’s predisposition to criminal activities compared to women. Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives in Feminist Criminology Over the last thirty years, feminist criminologists have challenged theories, concepts, methodologies, and assumptions advanced by criminologists in the study of crime and justice system. Research on this topic indicates immense disparities in crime ratios between sex and race. However, a concise theory explaining this phenomenon is yet in place. Some of the pioneering work is Carol Gilligan’s theory of moral development that considers women’s ethic of care to reduce their probability of offending. Other theoretical arguments advanced include emancipation theory, which holds that, womenâ€℠¢s lower rates of involvement in criminal activities stems from their confinement to domestic roles. The theory explains that this is occasioned by discrimination that caps their aspirations and opportunities. With social and political emancipation, women’s increased involvement in criminal activities will be inevitable (Makarios 2007, p. 107). Empirically, these theories have received minimal support because even though the rate of women’s involvement in violent crimes has increased; they remain relatively low compared to those of men. The increase can be attributed to increased economic marginalization of women as well as a change in how social control authorities view women (Makarios 2007, p.108). Many quantitative studies have been undertaken in this area most of which adopt equity approach. This is popular among liberal feminists where gender is conceptualized as an independent variable. Liberal feminists hold that women are denied access to equal political, finan cial, and career access purely on the basis of sex. The theorists claim that sociological factors, rather than physiological, best explain women’s criminality. Radical feminists have taken issue with these approaches by arguing that the victimization of women has been normalized and should not be equated to that of men. Radical feminists criticize the claims made by liberal feminists as naive. Radical feminists relate social relations, inequality, and crime to male power and privilege (Proctor 2006, p.28). In addition, they argue

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Medical Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Medical Language - Essay Example We put him on a trolley and shifted him to the nearby hospital by ambulance. We made him relax in semiprone position so that he could breathe well. We reached the hospital in 15 minutes. Enroute, his saturations were found to be 87 percent and hence he was started on oxygen. His lungs were filled with fluid. The fluid was more in lower lobes. Examination revealed crepitations on both the sides. His wife told us that he is known patient of congestive heart failure, diabetes and hypertension, on appropriate medication. We were thinking that his preexisting chronic cardiac failure predisposed to this acute exacerbation. The wife was very tensed and cried profusely. She asked me how the patient would do and I did not know much about the condition. On shifting into the emergency room, he was diagnosed to have pulmonary edema. Chest X-ray was ordered and several blood tests, including arterial blood gas analysis were sent. This I came to know from the nurse in the emergency room. I hope th e patient does well. I referred to this condition online and found that pulmonary edema does occur in those with preexisting cardiac failure due to failure of the life side of the heart.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

CONTRACT LAW ASSIGNMENT 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CONTRACT LAW ASSIGNMENT 3 - Essay Example It also depends upon the liability of the company. Here the company seems to have committed gross negligence resulting in grievous injuries on the customer and also damaged the car to the tune of 1500. Company is liable despite disclaimer notice, because disclaimer notices are mainly for the protection of the person who has placed it and will not stand in the Court of Law. The fact that company has installed car washing machines in its premises providing washing facility to customers is sufficient for the contract between users and company. If disclaimer has legal effect, they the customer will not be able to sue the company. In spite of disclaimer there is an implied contract between the Petrol Company and people who go for car wash, as it is installed in their premises with proper guidance and advertisement and this fact will go in favour of the injured person. Maintaining a definitely faulty washing machine that could break the skull of a customer will not work in favour of the petrol company. In contract, implied terms carry almost as severe legality as written contracts. This is not a very significant area of law any more. Still, conceptually speaking about specific contracts, sometimes we come across contracts where a certain term is used for a specific number of years, for example, rent contracts or employment contracts which run for a certain time, longer than some other contracts. Every term in such contract is rarely specified; but it is implied, understood and it exists. Most of the employment terms are implied because they are based on common sense, natural law and accepted in society. The other category comes under 'giving effect to intention of parties'. This type is more common and regularly used. These terms might not have been mentioned due to careless draftsmanship or inadvertently and usually Court takes it as existing. It adds the terms of implement presuming the intention of the contract parties1. These are the prima facie terms which are too obvious to be stated. Courts acknowledge that if all terms under all circumstances have to be stated, there is no end to terms of contracts and rest of the terms could be implicated if main terms are stipulated. But these terms have to be intended by both the parties2 and not by just one party3. Also there are terms which could be implied by statute and here initial intention of the parties does not matter4. New and old legislation terms could be implied to contracts to protect either one or both the parties. This need not have acceptance of any party and Court could do it independently5. Legislation could be primary or delegated and parties cannot contract out of the implied terms as they become mandatory. These are mainly consumer protection legislations; but need not be always so. New legislations, amendment to the old legislations, revoking of earlier legislations in favour of new legislations all fall into this category. For example: The sales of Good Act and its Amendments. There are certain terms which are inspired by other acts and closely touch the present act also could be added as implied terms according to the circumstances. QUESTION THREE: Contractual attempts to exclude all liability for economic loss are not always

Friday, November 15, 2019

Planning, Leading And Controlling in Management

Planning, Leading And Controlling in Management In the era of modernisation these days, it appears that the purpose of managers in every single organisation is becoming so essential that we are required to understand the real concept behind management as well as the actual tasks performed by a manager. An understanding of the nature of management is vital for all members of society because all of us will at home stage to be a manager, and an understanding of the concept will enable us to become more effective in that role. Throughout the development of management, there are classical theories of management and modern management theory. Henri Fayol and Henry Mintzberg are both key figures in the management theories today and they are also both internationally renowned academic and authors on business and management with many articles and many books written. Henri Fayol (1841 1925) a French management theorist and managing director of a French mining company, is frequently seen as an essential early contributor to classical school of management theoies or more particularly, administrative management. He believed that management is an acquired skill and can therefore be taught. He wanted to introduce a set of principles that all organisations can apply in order to run properly. He built his theory of the five management functions upon personal observation and experience whilst he was working with French mining organisations, to find what worked well in terms of organisation. This theory was introduced in 1916. These functions serve the purpose of predicting the future of the environment and planning a relevant business strategy, developing a social and technical structure to the organisation, managing the activities of the staff, integrating plans and activities across the organisation and ensuring conformity with the plan via authority and feedback mechanisms to correct inappropriate activity but as he wrote his works in French it was not until some time afterwards that his management functions were recognised worldwide. The five functions were planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Planning This is the first tool of the four functions in the management process. The difference between a successful and unsuccessful manager lies within the planning procedure. Planning is the logical thinking through goals and making the decision as to what needs to be accomplished in order to reach the organizations objectives. Managers use this process to plan for the future, like a blueprint to foresee problems, decide on the actions to evade difficult issues and to beat the competition. Planning is the first step in management and is essential as it facilitates control, valuable in decision making and in the avoidance of business ruin. Organizing In order to reach the objective outlined in the planning process, structuring the work of the organization is a vital concern. Organization is a matter of appointing individuals to assignments or responsibilities that blend together to develop one purpose, to accomplish the goals. These goals will be reached in accordance with the companys values and procedures. A manager must know their subordinates and what they are capable of in order to organize the most valuable resources a company has, its employees. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). This is achieved through management staffing the work division, setting up the training for the employees, acquiring resources, and organizing the work group into a productive team. The manager must then go over the plans with the team, break the assignments into units that one person can complete, link related jobs together in an understandable well-organized style and appoint the jobs to individuals. (Allen, G., 1998). Leading Organizational success is determined by the quality of leadership that is exhibited. A leader can be a manager, but a manager is not necessarily a leader, says Gemmy Allen (1998). Leadership is the power of persuasion of one person over others to inspire actions towards achieving the goals of the company. Those in the leadership role must be able to influence/motivate workers to an elevated goal and direct themselves to the duties or responsibilities assigned during the planning process. (Allen, G., 1998). Leadership involves the interpersonal characteristic of a managers position that includes communication and close contact with team members. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). Controlling The process that guarantees plans are being implemented properly is the controlling process. Henri Fayol stated that Controlling is the final link in the functional chain of management activities and brings the functions of management cycle full circle. This allows for the performance standard within the group to be set and communicated. Control allows for ease of delegating tasks to team members and as managers may be held accountable for the performance of subordinates, they may be wise to extend timely feedback of employee accomplishments. Henry Mintzberg was born September in Montreal, September 2, 1939. He was an internationally renowned academic and author on business and management. He is married to Sasha Sadilova and has two children from a previous marriage, Susie and Lisa. Henry Mintzberg is an internationally renowned academic and author who write prolifically on the topics of management and business strategy, with more than 150 articles and fifteen books to his name. He came up with the roles of management, which he believes cover most of the things a manager will encounter in their job. The reality of management is that the pressures of the job drive the manager to take on too much work, encourage interruption, respond to every stimulus, seek the tangible and avoid the abstract, make decisions in small increments. Mintzbergs key contribution was to highlight the importance of understanding CEOs time management and tasks in order to be able to improve their work and develop their skills appropriately. ÂÂ  these normative systems. Mintzberg does not assume ex-ante what an (in)effective or (non)successful manager entails. He also neglects the relationship between managerial behaviour and organisational effectiveness. Furthermore, he takes a neutral position on the managerial role omitting influences such as ownership and power. Identified contingency factors explain differences in the make-up of managerial work.The empirical study is based on five organisations in action. The small sample size means that the results should not be applied to all industry, organisations or management positions. In his 1973 study, Mintzberg declared that the managers position is always the starting point in organisational analysis. He also argued that managerial roles are sequential a manager first makes interpersonal contact through his formal status which in turn allows information processing and leads to decision making. Mintzberg later rejected this relationship based on new empirical data. The term management roles refers to specific categories of managerial behaviour, and Mintzberg concluded that what managers do, can be described by studying ten different and interrelated roles, grouped around interpersonal relationships, transfer of information, and last, but not least, decision making. Interpersonal Roles The ones that, like the name suggests, involve people and other ceremonial duties. Leader Responsible for staffing, training, and associated duties. Figurehead The symbolic head of the organization. Liaison Maintains the communication between all contacts and informers that compose the organizational network. Informational Roles Related to collecting, receiving, and disseminating information. Monitor Personally seek and receive information, to be able to understand the organization. Disseminator Transmits all import information received from outsiders to the members of the organization. Spokesperson On the contrary to the above role, here the manager transmits the organizations plans, policies and actions to outsiders. Decisional Roles Roles that revolve around making choices. Entrepreneur Seeks opportunities. Basically they search for change, respond to it, and exploit it. Negotiator Represents the organization at major negotiations. Resource Allocator Makes or approves all significant decisions related to the allocation of resources. Disturbance Handler Responsible for corrective action when the organization faces disturbances. Comparison Fayol identifies five elements of management- planning, organising, co-ordinating, commanding and controlling all of which he believed were necessary to facilitate the management process. In comparison Mintzberg considers management activities to fall within three broad groups- interpersonal, informational and decisional which encompass his ten management roles of figurehead, leader, liaison, spokesperson, disseminator, monitor, resource allocator, entrepreneur, disturbance handler and negotiator. Although due to their differences, these theories can be treated as competing views, both can also be perceived as reinforcing the other as many parallels and similarities intrinsically exist. Consequentially the term managerial style combines the two theories. Mintzberg obtained his theory as a result of research based on observation. Hence, his roles directly depict what managers do. He argues that Fayols functions do not describe the actual work of managers at all; they describe certain vague objectives of managerial work (Mintzberg 1971). As he observed the managers in his research, he found that all activities captured at lease one of his ten roles in practice whereas they could not be simplified to be known singularly as one of Fayols functions. For example, a manager sending a memo out to subordinates informing them of the outcome of the mornings meeting is directly taking on the informational role of disseminator- providing internal personnel with information obtained either external or internal of the organisation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Can We Reduce the Rate of Juvenile Crime and Violence? :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

â€Å"Palm Beach County, Fla. -- On May 26, 2000, 13-year-old Nathaniel Brazill shot his teacher, Barry Grunow, with a .25 caliber handgun in school. Palm Beach County prosecutors tried Brazill as an adult for first degree murder. The jury found Brazill guilty of second-degree murder and the judge sentenced him to 28 years in an adult facility. After his release, Brazill will face two years of house arrest and five years of probation.† (Klug) Does this sentence seem too harsh, or perhaps too lenient? Without knowing all of the details involved in the case, it may be harder to decide what would be the best thing to do with 13-year-old Brazill. What specific details would a person need to know in order to sentence him properly? Has he ever done this before? What were his motives? Is he from a rough neighborhood, living in a bad family situation? Maybe all of these things don’t matter in determining Brazill’s sentence, and he should just be punished according to his crime. If you’re having a hard time deciding, you’re not alone. Since the juvenile court’s introduction in 1899, there have been debates over whether or not the court is effective in treating juveniles. Brazill’s case demonstrates the view that the juvenile court is not working, or is not sufficient to deal with cases as serious as Brazill’s. This is evident in the fact that he was sent to adult court as a 13-year-old as opposed to being tried in the juvenile court. The recent shift toward trying more juveniles as adults is a plain indicator that the juvenile justice system is not working. No one will disagree with that. However, people will disagree on what the system is supposed to be doing in the first place, and how we as a nation should go about fixing it. There are many different approaches to how juveniles should be dealt with, and each approach is extremely complex. One of the main factors that causes the complexity is that with each approach comes certain doctrines on the differences between juveniles and adults.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Organization Change of Aeon Co. Malaysia Bhd Essay

AEON Co. (M) Bhd. is principally engaged in the operations of a chain of superstores selling a broad range of goods ranging from clothing, food, household goods, other merchandise and shopping centre operation. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. was started from Jaya Jusco Store Sdn. Bhd. In 15 September 1984, the first JUSCO store was established in Malaysia. In 1983, our Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir (Now known as Tun Dr. Mahathir) visited Tokyo and then met the JUSCO Co. Ltd. President, Mr. Takuya Okada to discuss the proposition of bringing JUSCO to our country. This is because he believes that it was a need for our country economic growth on that time. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. aim to be a global company, meaning that management must both meet global quality standards and at the same time remain rooted in local communities. On the basis of this code, Aeon is striving to achieve long-term prosperity and growth by building excellent relationships with its customers, shareholders, business partners, local communities, and employees, while continuing to offer products and services that satisfy customers. For example, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. provided cardholders with numerous incentives, ranging from discounts to an enhanced point system such as AEON Gold Card, the first gold card in Japan without an annual fee, and their electric toll collection (ETC) cards which offers cardholders bonus points when customers shop, have gone to great lengths to raise the number of affiliated merchants. JUSCO’s vision is to establish AEON as a leading retailer brand in consumer finance and service industry by providing excellent customer service. Its mission is to provide a wide range of consumer financial services that best meet their customer needs and they are committed to serve their customers to improve their lifestyle through AEON products and services. AEON insist to a strict code of corporate ethics and at the same time, engage in activities which contribute to society. Lastly, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. is listed in Bursa Malaysia as a trust company under the Trust Companies Act 1949 and Registration of Businesses Act 1956. AEON was awarded the Green Leadership Award and Prime Minister CSR Award for Community and Social Welfare. CONTENT To analyze the company’s practices/operations in AEON Co.(M) Bhd. Change is  an organizational reality. Most managers will have to change some things in their workplace. It can classify these changes as organizational change which is alteration of an organization’s people, structure, and technology. Firstly, changing structure includes any alteration in authority relationships, coordination mechanisms, degree of centralization, job design, or similar organization structure variables. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. control the work process engineering, restructuring, and empowering result in decentralization, wider spans of control, reduced work specialization, and work teams. These structural components give employees the authority and means to implement process improvements. For instance, the creation of work teams that cut across departmental lines allows those people who understand a problem best to solve that problem. It can help cross-functional work teams encourage cooperati ve problem solving rather than â€Å"us versus them† situations. Besides that, changing technology encompasses modifications in the way works is done or the methods and equipment used. Most of the managers in AEON Co. (M) Bhd. deal with changing technology are continuous improvement initiatives on their products and services, which are directed at developing flexible processes to support better quality operations and also their employees committed to continuous improvements are constantly looking for things to fix. Thus, work processes adaptable to continual change and fine tuning, it requires an extensive commitment to educating and training workers. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. provided training to employees which are need in new technology and new methods. Lastly, changes in people refer to changes in employee attitudes, expectations, perceptions, or behaviors. The human dimension of change requires a workforce that is committed to quality and continuous improvement. Again, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. provided proper employee education and training is needed, which are need in problem solving, decision making, negotiation, statistical analysis, and team-building, and they can able to analyze and act on data. As is a performance evaluation and reward system that supports and encourages those improvements. Conclude, employees training to maintain its market leading position in their business. The main practices for AEON Co. (M) Bhd. is align the goals of a change effort with organizational strategy. This is because of organization‘s strategic plan identify the products and services and the core business, and it can help organization supporting processes  that help deliver these products and services. Furthermore, it also identifies the organization’s special competencies and help organizational enhance the core and key supporting organizational processes. For example, the goals of AEON Co. (M) Bhd. changed effort do not support the organizational strategy then the change effort will not yield significant value to the organization. Therefore, by aligning the goals of a change effort with their business strategy, the change effort will have a greater chance of succeeding because the change effort will receive greater executive commitment than if the goals were not aligned. To accomplish this, Aeon clearly define its structures, management systems, and guiding principles, policies, and procedures. Instant, executives take the time to communicate the vision to all of the organization’s employees in small groups of people. Besides that, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. created and maintained a superior change team. This is because a charter that identifies a task that is narrower in scope than the organization’s strategy statement and states the expectations of management in terms of goals and metrics. These goals and their descriptions did not change during the change effort, because should only be a few of them. However, the change team has control the goals, which able to measurable, and also define its purpose, the methods, procedures it will use, and the acceptable team behavior, because it will help to resolve conflict and define team roles. For example, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. creating a superior change team with several of good planning, it also requires good people to enact the change, change team members are experts and have positions of authority, possess good management and communication skills, and the ability to focus on the change vision and objectives. In closing, a superior change team will effectively create a plan for change, identify the processes to change, and acquire support for the change effort of organization at all the levels. Thus, the quality of such verification is highly suspect. On the others hand, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. plans for continuous improvement. This is because of continuous process improvement will cause an organization to produce better products or goods more reliably and efficiently to enhance customer satisfaction and value. For example, to achieve continuous improvement of organization, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. uses good performance measures and management monitor their employees as necessary. In addition, managers should verify that the selected metrics are accurate  measures of business goals in managing organizational changed. To identify and explain the relevant principles and concepts of management in AEON Co. (M) Bhd. those are being applied in the company. The principles and concepts of AEON Co. (M) Bhd. is Customer Centre Approach. AEON’s mission is always to be contributed to the customers. The goal of AEON Co. (M) Bhd. is to operate as an â€Å"international-scale retailing group† which focused on the quality management to enhance their capabilities. The increasing in the Malaysia population shows tha t there is a probability that the target customers for the retailing industry have grown. A wide range of customers involves in the market mostly tend to purchase household products which is suits for family members, children and adult. This is an opportunity for AEON to achieve the mission of company for contribute to their customers. With the changes in the customers’ lifestyle, that is means that the trends would also changes. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. will provided with higher quality products, so that the customers will aware that the AEON’s goal of quality management is exactly aligned with their demand and needs. In addition, this will also give impact on the company’s goal to satisfy their customers. To designed an image to satisfy the ever changing needs and desires of consumers, AEON’s constant interior refurbishment of stores. The management’s acute understanding of target market needs and the provision of an optimal product-mix enhanced the company’s performance. In Malaysia for 28 years, Aeon has been successfully to positioned itself as a benchmark in excellent customer service, such as high worker’s discipline and maintain high standard level of their food as w ell environment. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. provided variety of products for their customers. On the others hand, the principles and concepts of management of AEON Co. (M) Bhd. is division of work. This principle tells us that as far as possible the whole work should be divided into different parts and each individual should be assigned only one part of the work according to his ability and taste rather than giving the whole work to one person. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. applied this principle to manage organizational change from Jusco Shopping Centre to AEON Co. (M) Bhd. where all department need to change since Aeon Credit Service combined together with Jusco Shopping Centre on 12 January 2012. When a particular worker in AEON Co. (M) Bhd. performs the same job repeatedly such as in marketing department, financial department, leadership department and so on  will make the job an expert in doing that particular part of the whole job for them. Consequently, the benefits of specialization will become available in AEON Co. (M) Bhd. For example, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. gets an order for prom otion. They have five to six departments who will do their own job for the promotion. Everyone will do the job in short time and come out with the successful promotion. The principle of division of department applies not only to the workers but also equally to the managers and leader. For example, if a manager is tuned to work on the same kind of activities for a long period of time, he will certainly be an expert in his particular job. Consequently, more and beneficial decisions can be taken in a comparatively less time by him. Business processes must support business needs is the one of the principle and concepts of management. Every process will be increase organizational value by supporting the business vision and supporting strategies. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. created a vision for each process to be changes and also develop a new vision for each process it expects to change. The process of vision described the new capabilities of the process and the expected performance improvements. Furthermore, it identify how the AEON Co. (M) Bhd. will support the strategy, respond t o customer needs, and respond to competition. This will lower the utility of a change effort and would place it at risk because it probably would not gain the necessary organizational support to make it successful. The issue of organization design would be solved because environment will be free from uncertainty and there no need to adapt. Besides that, the creation of work teams that cut across department lines allows those people who understand the problems and have the best solutions to solve the problems. Besides that, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. made a formal case. This is because individuals are inherently rational and will question to what extent change is needed, whether the company is headed in the right direction, and whether they want to commit personally to making change happen. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. looks to the leadership for answers it will due to the articulation of a formal case for change and the creation of a written vision statement are invaluable opportunities to create or compel leadership-team alignment. Firstly, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. confront reality and articulate a convincing need for change, then demonstrate faith of the company has a viable future and the leadership to get there and l ast provide a road map to guide behaviour and decision making. Thus, leaders  customize this message for various internal audiences, describing the pending change in terms that matter to the individuals. In a series of offsite meetings, the executive team built a brutally honest business case that downsizing was the only way to keep the business viable, and drew on the company’s proud heritage to craft a compelling vision to lead the company forward. By confronting reality and helping employees understand the necessity for change, leaders able to motivate the organization to follow the new direction in the midst of the largest downsizing in the company’s history. To identify and explain the pros and cons in the application of the relevant principles and concepts of management in order to find the problems that will be the encountered by the company. PROS Build up the customer’s loyalty By satisfy the customer’s need, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. able to keep their customer’s loyalty. Loyalty of customers is typically repeat customers. The customers will feel comfortable when shopping at AEON mall, which aligned with their needs and lifestyle. If a certain customer enjoys shopping at a particular business, it will return to shop again. The loyalty of customers may lead to stabilize the company’s income. Higher productivity Division of work for AEON Co. (M) Bhd. is to achieve higher productivity in Aeon by using â€Å"practice makes perfect† slogan. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. concentrating on the repeating the same task again and again, a worker acquires dexterity, skill and speed, and more ­over, division of works avoids waste time and effort caused by changes from one task to another. Specialization requires a simplification of tasks and facilitates for AEON Co. (M) Bhd. saving devices. Due to all these the quantity and quality of work increase tremendously. Lower cost Division of work in AEON Co. (M) Bhd. increases the efficiency of workers, managers and leaders in each department. In addition, wasteful duplication of process and tools is avoided, it able gain good result and save cost. Large scale production offers several economies in the used of materials, machinery and skills. Therefore, costs of operations in AEON Co. (M) Bhd. are reduced to earn more profit. Trusted brand AEON Co. (M) Bhd. operated in market more than 20 years. Nowdays, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. pay attention on differentiation of products and services, however when times pass by, due to many competitors, there are too many of new feature or increase of new offers in the market. It will cause Aeon pay attention on customers’ needs and wants and able to learn customers’ oriented strategy. Therefore when AEON Co. (M) Bhd. produce a product, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. makes sure the brand is clear, distinctive, easily understood and expresses a unique, compelling benefit that customers believe can see the value of. Diversification of brand Product diversification strategies should aim at expanding markets either by brand extensions or new complementary products, but sometimes this is also achieved by creating new uses for the original products with a new twist. The strategy should avoid being too similar to current products and markets, but at the same time it should not be too different from current ones. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. practiced this so that they can offer new products to customers, it able to compete in the market. CONS Higher cost burden To fulfill the changing of the customer’s demand and needs, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. may face to higher cost burden. To improve the customer’s satisfaction for shopping at AEON mall, AEON have to keep on improvement on the shopping environment. This might lead to higher cost for renovation and decoration the shopping mall. In order to fulfill the changed in customer’s lifestyle, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. have to come out with higher quality product which may leads to higher cost of product. Lack of responsibility Under division of work AEON Co. (M) Bhd. lack of responsibility in creating something new product. Such as, the final project is not the task of a single person but the creation of several workers, managers, and leaders. Therefore, no any individual can be held responsible if anything goes wrong in the project. Therefore, involvement of workers in their work is reduced. Too much interdependence Division of work in AEON Co. (M) Bhd. leads to interdependence between individuals, firms, industries and countries. Failure of any one link due to strike, war, breakdown in transport and communication, depression and so on it may cause great harm for the company. Inferior output by one worker in AEON Co. (M) Bhd. may spoil the quality of the entire product. Specialists know only a single process of production. In case of unemployment, they find is difficult to get jobs. Poor advertising AEON Co. (M) Bhd. does not advertising due to the cost. The advertising activity only will take place during peak seasons like school holiday and festival season. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. mainly depends on word of mouth whereby, customers pass the news to other customers about promotion or new products. AEON Co. (M) Bhd. should aware this tactic may harm business if customers are not satifity with the products and they will start to complaint and others will get negative thinking about the company. In the end, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. may loss customers and it is not easy to pull back their attention. Thus, sales and profit of company will drop. Create rigidity AEON Co. (M) Bhd. created rigidity in their operations. It can lock an organization into specific goals to be achieved within specific timetables. This is because the goals set under the assumption. Thus, when the environment is random and unpredictable can be recipe for disaster. It may cause AEON Co. (M) Bhd. not able to compete and survive in a rapidly changing environment. RECOMMENDATION AEON Co. (M) Bhd. should perform annual process assessments and benchmarks. This is because annual process assessments help to identify areas for process improvement, whereas benchmarks help to identify where an organization stands relative to an industry. Based on each assessment and benchmark provides a snapshot of an organization’s capabilities, which should be the basis for determining whether it needs to change and the value of such change. Furthermore, auditors can easily determine whether an organization performs assessments and benchmarks by verifying the existence of reports documenting their execution. Besides that, AEON Co. (M) Bhd.  should analyze an organization’s software portfolio, which is the total number of applications it owns. A portfolio analysis include counting the number of copies of each application, it can examining the status of each application in terms of defect levels, and identifying the overall importance of each application. Due to this, the highest level of importance indicates that an application is critical to the success of the enterprise’s missions. In addition, Aeon should know the role each application plays in the future of the enterprise. By understanding the software tools that an organization uses, it can identify those areas that have the greatest need for tool support, as well as where it can derive the greatest benefit tool use or change. Instant, such understanding will also influence the training activities of an organization. On the others hand, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. should listen to the customer. An organization must capture the needs and desires of its customers since their perceptions of its strengths and weaknesses are vital to its success. Wherefore, Aeon should ask its customers what it must do today to satisfy them two, three, and five years in the future. Since customer input helps to improve the products of organization develops and the most important is processes that addres s their concerns, auditors should examine that documentation exists that verifies that the organization obtains and uses customer feedback on a periodic basis. Furthermore, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. should align the infrastructure. The successful change requires that Aeon align its human resource, information, financial, organizational, and other support systems around the core business processes. Organizational structure should be an operational response to an organization’s mission and strategy. Thus, the reporting relationships among an organization’s business units should represent its actual workflows, it should help them establish and develop the necessary competencies by providing appropriate training. If an organization does not do this, old practices will render new organizational changes meaningless and a business’s operating units will not function efficiently or effectively. Thus, it is vital that auditors identify the workflow between business units whether the organization’s infrastructure matches it, and also personnel within those business units have the skills to effectively and efficiently perform their work. Lastly, AEON Co. (M) Bhd. should foster a creative and innovative environment. Aeon must be systematically and deliberately identify on new ideas and ways of  doing things better. This requires organizations to challenge the basic assumptions on which its organization has been built. Due to this, Aeon change these assumptions requires creativity, which is the generation of ideas and alternatives and innovation, which is the transformation of those ideas and alternatives into useful applications that lead to change and improvement. In particular, an organization must always challenge assumptions, create solutions, and look at problems from different perspectives. . As a result, auditors should objectively assess how experimental an organization is when conducting their business. CONCLUSION In conclusion, from the AEON Co. (M) Bhd. we has identified four organization change management principles, which are vitally important to organizing change. Furthermore, we also have analyze the company’s practices and operations in managing organizational change. Consequently, organizations should adopt these change management principles and practices based on their business needs. To promote success, an organization should address the three identified critical processes which are achieving executive commitment, creating a vision of the future organization, and communicating that vision to the organization. In addition, a select group of people, having the necessary skills and personal characteristics, should lead software process improvement efforts. Organizational changes because of uncertainty, habit, concern about personal loss, and the belief that a change is not in the organization’s best interests. There are needs many techniques for managing resistance to change included education and communication, participation, facilitation and support, negotiation, manipulation and co-optation, and coercion. Last, the important part which is human resource variables. It included high commitment to training and development, high job security, and encouraging individuals to be idea champions. REFERENCE Robbins, S. P., DeCenzo, D. A., & Coulter, M. (2012). Fundamentals of management: Essential concepts and applications (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Robbin, S. P., & Jones, G. R. (2010). Management (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Brealey, Richard and Myers, Stewart: Principles of Corporate Finance, 2nde d., McGraw-Hill (l984). American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Guide for the Preparation of Operational Concept Documents. ANSIIAIAA G-043-1992 (1993). Carr, David K., Hard, Kelvin J., and Trahant, William J.: Managing the Change Process: A Field Book for Change Agents, Consultants, Team Leaders, and Reengineering Managers. McGraw-Hill(l996). lO.Gouillart, Francis J. and Kelly, James N.: Transforming the Organization. McGraw-Hill(l995). Ronald K. K. (2010). Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Journal of management changing, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91 109, USA ronald. k. John Jones, DeAnne Aguirre, and Matthew Calderone (2004). Principles of change management. Retrieved April 15, 2004, From:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Singin In the Rain essays

Singin In the Rain essays Singin In The Rain was one of AFIs top ten100 films and the best musical of the 20th century. The movie gives the audience the opportunity to take a light hearted and very often satirical look at the early days of talking pictures. There are many elements of film that make the movie musical Singin In The Rain great. What makes this movie stand out are the sound, especially the music; settings, costumes and make up; and the photography. The music of the film plays and important role because of course it is a musical. One of the songs that is most enjoyable is Good Mornin. The song starts after Cosmo (Donald OConnor) comes up with a proposal that will save Dons (Gene Kelly) movie. The suggestion was that Dons film should be reproduced into a musical. Kathy (Debbie Reynolds) looks at the calendar and begins the Good Mornin tune, because it is in fact a lovely mornin after the brilliant brainstorming that saved Don Lockwoods career. The film was about the 1920s, right before the first talkie film The Jazz Singer and the audiences demand for more talking pictures. The flappers, the cars, even the dull Hollywood parties give off the feeling that you are right there with the characters during the 1920s. The costumes were what gave the film age and set the time of the musical. The difficulties of early day talking picture productions were not exaggerated in the movie Singin In The Rain they showed all the efforts of directors to bring a perfect performance to the screen for the audience. The filming of the movie is spectacular. One of the most beautiful captured scenes was of Kathy (Reynolds) and Don (Kelly) when he crept her into a closed studio set. Kathy walked up top a ladder and Don turned on the large fan that blew through Kathys hair, shined light ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Proof Definition and Examples in Rhetoric

Proof Definition and Examples in Rhetoric In rhetoric, proof is the part of a speech or written composition that sets out the arguments in support of a thesis.  Also known as confirmation,  confirmatio, pistis, and probatio. In classical rhetoric, the three modes of rhetorical (or artistic) proof are ethos, pathos, and logos. At the heart of Aristotles theory of logical proof  is the rhetorical syllogism or enthymeme. For manuscript proof, see proof (editing) Etymology From the Latin, prove Examples and Observations In rhetoric, a proof is never absolute, since rhetoric is concerned with probable truth and its communication. . . . The fact is that we live much of our lives in the realm of the probabilities. Our important decisions, both at the national level and at the professional and personal level, are, in fact, based on probabilities. Such decisions are within the realm of rhetoric.- W. B. Horner, Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition. St. Martins Press, 1988If we regard confirmation or proof as the designation of that part where we get down to the main business of our discourse, this term can be extended to cover expository as well as argumentative prose. . . .As a general rule, in presenting our own arguments we should not descend from our strongest arguments to our weakest. . . . We want to leave our strongest argument ringing in the memory of our audience; hence we usually place it in the emphatic final position.- E. Corbett, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. Oxford University Pre ss, 1999 Proofs in Aristotles RhetoricThe opening [of Aristotles Rhetoric] defines rhetoric as the counterpart of dialectic, which seeks not to persuade but to find the appropriate means of persuasion in any given situation (1.1.1-4 and 1.2.1). These means are to be found in various kinds of proof or conviction (pistis). . . . Proofs are of two kinds: inartistic (not involving rhetorical art- e.g., in forensic [judicial] rhetoric: laws, witnesses, contracts, torture, and oaths) and artificial [artistic] (involving the art of rhetoric).- P. Rollinson, A Guide to Classical Rhetoric. Summertown, 1998 Quintilian on the Arrangement of a Speech [W]ith regard to the divisions which I have made, it is not to be understood that that which is to be delivered first is necessary to be contemplated first; for we ought to consider, before everything else, of what nature the cause is; what is the question in it; what may profit or injure it; next, what is to be maintained or refuted; and then, how the statement of facts should be made. For the statement is preparatory to proof, and cannot be made to advantage, unless it is first settled what it ought to promise as to proof. Last of all, it is to be considered how the judge is to be conciliated; for, until all the bearings of the cause be ascertained, we cannot know what sort of feeling it is proper to excite in the judge, whether inclined to severity or gentleness, to violence or laxity, to inflexibility or mercy.- Quintilian, Institutes of Oratory, 95 AD Intrinsic and Extrinsic Proofs Aristotle counseled the Greeks in his Treatise on Rhetoric that the means of persuasion must include both intrinsic and extrinsic proofs.By extrinsic proof Aristotle meant direct evidence that was not the creation of the speakers art. Direct evidence could include laws, contracts, and oaths, as well as the testimony of witnesses. In the legal proceedings of Aristotles time, this kind of evidence was usually obtained in advance, recorded, put in sealed urns, and read in court. Intrinsic proof was that created by the art of the orator. Aristotle distinguished three kinds of intrinsic proof: (1) originating in the character of the speaker; (2) resident in the mind of the audience; and (3) inherent in the form and phrase of the speech itself. Rhetoric is a form of persuasion that is to be approached from these three directions and in that order. - Ronald C. White, Lincolns Greatest Speech: The Second Inaugural. Simon Schuster, 2002

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Yom Kippur War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Yom Kippur War - Essay Example The decision of Israel was to be handed over by the U.S, government to the Arab states. The U.S. was informed about the decision but not to hand it over to the Arabs. There was no evidence of receipt neither Egypt nor Syria, who in fact never received the offer. It was kept closely guarded within the government of Israel, which was withdrawn in October 1967. Like anyone who lost a property, Egypt and Syria craved to regain the land they lost during the Six-Day War. Nevertheless, a summit issued the â€Å"three no’s† resolving there will be â€Å"NO peace, NO recognition and NO negotiation with Israel.† This is the Khartoum Arab Summit. (2) Convincing allies and non-allies to join you in war is not an easy thing to do not to mention the consequences these entail. The Iraqis turned down the idea of joining the preliminary attack. Syria had a tensed relationship with Iraq, so getting Iraq’s aid was unsuccessful. Lebanon was not expected to join the war since they share a border with Israel, not to mention the small army they had. (3) But nevertheless, Sadat did not lose hopes in getting aid from other countries. A few months before the war, Sadat was engaged in a tactful, diplomatic, and suave offensive to try to win support for war. He claimed the support of more than a hundred states. These countries were mostly of the Arab League, Non-Aligned Movement, and Organization of African Unity. He also got the support of Europe and for the first time, Britain and France sided with the Arabs against Israel on the UN Security Council. II. Pre-Event Actions The suave offensive of Sadat, which won the aid of other countries, materialized. Long before the war broke out, the Iraqis transferred a squadron of hunter jets to Egypt. A division of 18,000 men and hundreds of tanks were deployed in the central Golan. Their MiGs began operating on the third day of the war. (4) Kuwait and Saudi Arabia committed their men to battle aside from serving as financial underwriters. A brigade from Saudi of approximately 3000 troops was sent off to Syria where it engaged in fighting to Damascus. Libya sent Egypt a number of Mirage fighters and from 1971-1973, President Muammar Qadaffi gave Cairo more than $1 billion to support their thirst for regaining Egypt and for payment to the weapons delivered by the Soviets. (5) Support came so overwhelmingly. North African countries responded to the thirst of Egypt. Soviet commanded an aid for the frontline states. An armored brigade and 150 tanks were sent by Algeria together with three aircraft squadrons of bombers and fighters. Almost 2000 Tunisian soldiers were deployed along the Nile Delta, 3500 troops from Sudan in southern Egypt and 3 brigades to the front lines from Morocco including 2500 men to Syria. III. The Event On the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria opened a coordinated surprise attack against Israel, which was named "The Yom Kippur War." The warships at par with those of NATO's in Europe were mobilized on the borders of Israel. Israel with approximately 180 tanks surprisingly faced an onslaught of 1400 tanks from Syria and their almost 500 defenders were attacked by 80,000 Egyptians. (6) The Israeli Intelligence, known as one of the most aggressive and successful intelligence networks in history seemed to fail this time. The Arabs had more time in planning the war against Israel. They incorporated a fine use of deception and disinformation to disguise their furiously deadly intent. On the other hand, Israel had been